Keeping Stuart Alive
We can only do that by preserving, not just his memory, but the ideas and the goals, the triumphs and the ideals of his remarkable life. Stuart made history. Several of them
His family and close friends have set up the Stuart Christie Memorial Archive which is being located in the MayDay Rooms in Central London.There will be a dedicated room, The Stuart Christie Library. It will contain papers, letters, photographs, personal mementoes, his writings as well as the output from his publishing arms, Cienfuegos Press, Christie Books and his Anarchist Film Archive.
It will be available online, We are already employing a part-time archivist and researcher, Jessica Thorne, and Stuart’s daughter Branwen will be contributing personal photographs and letters. He was a well-loved man.
There will be artworks and many other projects suggested by people and friends who knew him – from books to film. With your help it will create other initiatives. Ambition is limitless.
We can only do this with your support. Initially we want to raise £10,000 to get this first phase realised. You can do this be contributing to the crowdfunder, Stuart Christie Memorial Archive at the Gofundme page. We will keep everyone informed of what is happening at the Twitter page @archivestuart
Thank you for what you have already done and, hopefully, will do.
Ron McKay.
Stuart Christie Memorial Archive – Gofundme page