Hot off the press, this latest issue of Stormy Petrel, the ACG mag is packed full of in-depth and analytical articles.
Issue 3 contains:
Editorial: capital is burning
No one is safe until everyone is safe: lessons from the pandemic
The green new deal: a fake solution to the climate crisis
Land food and revolution
Especifismo: challenges and opportunities
Working class antifascism: engaging the working class where traditional politics has failed
Anti-imperialism: a critique
“Freedom Come All Ye”: an anarchist communist critique of nationalism
From the Commune to Kronstadt
The Ides of March
The battle of Blair Mountain
The attack on counter-culture in the UK
Book reviews:
- Book of Trespass: crossing the lines that divide us
- Who owns England? How we lost our green and pleasant land and how to take it back
Rewilding and biodiversity
- Wilding: the return of nature to the British farm
- Rebirding: restoring Britain’s wildlife
No politics without enquiry?
- Workers’ enquiry and global class struggle: strategies, tactics, objectives
It costs £4 + £1.40 p&p
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