New ACG podcast on Green New Deal

Our latest At the Cafe podcast is from our recent reading group on the Green New Deal:

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The Anarchist Communist Group had its first national reading group event. We selected the topic of the Green New Deal to launch the reading group because it is often put forward as a key part of a strategy to tackle climate change. Through the readings we addressed the following questions in small groups (not recorded) before reporting back and having a whole group discussion.


1. What are the positive features of the Green New Deal? (US/Britain)

2. What are the limitations?

3. What does this issue tell us about how social transformation will come about? What is the role of the State- national and local- and the struggle for reforms?

4. What ideas do we have for campaigns/actions/strategies that will lead to real change- and an eco anarchist communist society?


A Green New Deal vs. Revolutionary Ecosocialism (Anarkismo article)

The Green New Deal: a fake solution to the climate crisis (Stormy Petrel article)

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