ACG members ran stalls at the Balkan Anarchist Bookfair over 3 days, and at the Saint-Imier International Anarchist Gathering, over five days. Over £600 of ACG literature was sold at these two events in July. In addition an ACG member spoke alongside members of the Italian Anarchist Federation at an anti-war meeting at the St-Imier event, and was interviewed by a local progressive paper.Previously the ACG ran stalls at the Bristol Radical History event in April, at the Dublin Anarchist Bookfair and at the Red and Black Bookfair in Glasgow, both in May and shifted a fair bit of literature at all these events
We will be running literature stalls at the forthcoming Anarchist and Radical Bookfairs, at Hull in August, at Dorset, London and Peterborough in October, at Manchester and the London Radical Bookfair, and at the Amsterdam Anarchist Bookfair, all in November. We also hope to be in attendance at the Zagreb Bookfair at end of September.