Stormy Petrel, the Anarchist Communist Group’s theoretical and historical magazine will be out next week. A bumper issue of 60 pages, it contains the following:
- Building Resilient Communities: The Challenges of Organising Locally
- Community Activism in South Essex
- Mutual Aid during the Pandemic
- Charity or Solidarity?
- Covid Mutual Aid: A Revolutionary Critique
- ACORN – no mighty oak!
- Anarchist Communists, anti-fascism and Anti-Fascism
- Women: Working and Organising
- What is Anarchist Communism? (excerpt from Brian Morris’s forthcoming book)
- Poll Tax Rebellion – Danny Burns
- Book Reviews – Putting the poll tax rebellion in perspective
- We Fight Fascists: The 43 Group and Their Forgotten Battle for Post-War Britain
- Class Power on Zero Hours
- McMindfulness: How Mindfulness Became the New Capitalist Spirituality