Support the ACG!
We recently have been targetted by two visual rights companies for two images which appeared on our website. One of them was put up in 2018! It is difficult to always know when an image breaches copyright, especially when the image has been used on other sites. Though we got some reduction, we still had to pay almost 900 pounds. This is a huge amount for such a small organisation and now jeopardises are ability to bring out publications in the next few months. Therefore we are promoting this Crowdfunder to raise more money so that we can continue with our publication programme which includes a new JackDaw and Stormy Petrel.
There is a lot of excellent anarchist material online but we are concerned this does not reach a wide enough audience. We also need hard copy material to reach those who may not consider looking at anarchist websites like our own. During the coronavirus pandemic we have produced stickers with messages such as ‘No Return to Austerity and Cuts’, ‘No Return to Profit before Need’, and ‘Make the Rich Pay’. We are also working on other material which will be either free or sold at low prices to campaign for fundamental changes in how we organise things like food production, work and health.
All this takes money, and the ACG is not the kind of organisation to have wealthy backers and moneybags funders. So, dear reader, if you’d like to support us in financing our projects, please visit our Crowdfunder page by clicking on the link below. Many thanks.