The oppressed classes rise up against racism and discrimination July 15, 2020July 15, 2020ACG The following statement has been signed by nineteen libertarian communist organisations around the world, including the ACG. The murder of George Floyd in [...]
Russian anarchists sentenced by Putin regime June 25, 2020ACG Two anarchists involved in a group known as Set (Network) have received long prison sentences on June 22nd in St. Petersburg, Russia. The [...]
Solidarity With Russian Anarchists February 16, 2018March 23, 2018ACG “We are currently fundraising to pay the lawyers working on several cases related to the police raids and arrests of anarchists and antifascists [...]
Solidarity with the Mapuche February 16, 2018March 23, 2018ACG Benetton is exploiting huge areas of stolen land in Argentina paid for in the blood of the indigenous Mapuche people. The Mapuche people [...]